Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Writing Fieldnotes

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

NNEST Interest Section(IS) at TESOL

Dear all,

Below is the website of the NNEST IS group which aims to promote a nondiscriminatory discourses for TESOL/Applied linguisitic profesionals regardless of their birth of place and native languge. This website is full of resources that problemitised the native speaker fallace and it will be of great use for those who are interested in the scholarship revolving around the NNEST issues, multilingualism and social diversity in teacher education. Also, this could be a great avenue to make your voice heard in the NNEST community of TESOL. So, consider submiting a piece for the next issue of the NNEST newsetter.

Here is the website: http://nnest.asu.edu/


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Class Blogs

Dear Class,

The list of your classmate's individual blogs are listed on the right hand corner of his page. Feel free to comment on each other's blogs. Remember that we have reduced the number of your blog entries from 4 to 2 (minimum) per week, although I strongly encourage you to type up random ideas, good quotes you find in your readings and do some free writing as new ideas, questions and comments emerge from your readings and class discussions. It'll be handy to have those reflections/write ups when you work on your final projects.

I look forward to reading your reflections as teacher ethnographers.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Dear Students,

Welcome to the Educational Ethnography course.